Dan Brown's Inferno Tour of Florence

- 기간: 2 시 (대략)
- 위치: Florence
- 상품 코드: P1EUUV
Adults (age 18 & above): £68
Children (age 6-17): £42
Infants (age 0-5): Free
This is an adventure following the footsteps of Dan Brown’s famous novel ‘Inferno’ and discovering places and mysteries of the novel in 2 hours.
Florence is the birthplace of Dante Alighieri, the Great Poet of the world. And Brown’s novel is inspired by Dante’s epic poem about nine circles of Hell, features Professor Robert Langdon traveling to Florence to solve mysterious clues found in great works of Renaissance to stop a threat to mankind.
Our journey follows the footsteps of the novel’s main character Robert Langdon and his search for the truth. The journey is a mystery itself in which you will uncover one symbol after another, move between galleries, palaces and works of art. You will gradually find out what is behind Dante’s Hell!
We will also see places, squares and monuments where the movie Inferno was filmed.